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At Summerside, our Mathematics curriculum is thoughtfully designed and tailored to engage, support, and challenge all children, embracing the diversity of their social and cultural backgrounds. We recognise the highly important role Maths plays in our children's lives, both in primary school and beyond, and are committed to ensuring that our children leave as confident and proficient mathematicians.

Throughout their school journey, our staff foster children's enthusiasm for becoming fluent in numbers, reasoning mathematically, and solving problems. The curriculum is carefully structured and sequenced to ensure that each year, children build and strengthen their understanding of mathematical concepts through incremental steps. By embedding our core values into our mathematics teaching, we aim for all children to find joy and success in the subject, growing into active, resilient, and independent mathematicians.

Children begin their mathematical journey, in EYFS, by exploring number, shape, space, and measurement, with a strong focus on hands-on, direct experiences in a language-rich environment. This approach lays a solid foundation for the mathematics they will encounter throughout their primary school years.

In Key Stage One, children deepen their understanding of number, receiving targeted support through concrete and pictorial methods to help them grasp more abstract concepts. This enables them to improve their mental fluency with whole numbers and develop a stronger grasp of counting and place value. Regular exposure to real-life contexts ensures they become proficient in the fundamentals of mathematics.

After mastering core skills in Key Stage One, pupils will begin to make meaningful connections across mathematical concepts, deepening their understanding of solutions. As they progress through Key Stage Two, they will regularly revisit their learning through retrieval practice to reinforce long-term memory, with an emphasis on their ability to recall and apply knowledge swiftly and accurately. Pupils will become increasingly fluent in performing precise calculations and will develop confidence in solving a variety of problems. Expanding their mathematical vocabulary will be crucial as they present clear justifications when reasoning.