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Ofsted & Performance Data

Summerside Primary Academy is currently rated Good by Ofsted. To read the report, please click here.

Here are some of the highlights from the report:

We spoke with pupils in every year group and they told us how much they enjoy coming to Summerside. Pupils are polite and respectful to others... Pupils’ achievement, in their learning and behaviour are celebrated every day.

Leaders and teachers expect all pupils to achieve highly. Pupils do well in English and mathematics. They enjoy the new themes, and leaders have good plans in place to help pupils learn even more in subjects such as history and music.

Pupils help each other, often without being asked by an adult. They behave well in lessons and in the playground. Pupils are safe and feel safe.

The school’s ethos encourages pupils to respect difference and to value diversity. Pupils know the importance of inclusion... Pupils get on well with each other.

The early years provides the youngest children with strong foundations for future learning. Staff follow children’s interests and plan activities that develop children’s skills. Staff interact with children well.

Pupils achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics at the end of Year 6. Pupils read fluently and develop strong comprehension skills. They leave the school well prepared for Year 7. Some pupils join the school at different times of the year. Staff help these pupils well. 

Academic Results and Data

Key Stage 2 results

Working at greater depth Reading Writing Maths

Reading, writing

and maths combined

2023 Summerside Primary Academy* 36% 25% 45% 19%
2023 Early National 19% 13% 24% 8%
2019 Summerside Primary Academy  11% 23% 51% 4%
2019 National 27% 20% 22% 11%
2018 Summerside Primary Academy 27% 25% 27% 13%
2017 Summerside Primary School 17% 27% 25% 8%


Working at expected standard Reading Writing Maths

Reading, writing

and maths combined

2023 Summerside Primary Academy* 83% 68% 88% 67%
2023 Early National 73% 71% 73% 59%
2019 Summerside Primary Academy 74% 84% 88% 70%
2019 National 73% 78% 79% 65%
2018 Summerside Primary Academy 77% 79% 82% 70%
2017 Summerside Primary School 65% 82% 75% 61%

* 4 children have been removed as they are new to the UK and to English since September 2021.

Progress measures Reading Writing Maths
2023 Summerside Primary Academy 1.0 0.1 2.8
2019 Summerside Primary Academy 3.1 5.2 7.3
2019 National 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018 Summerside Primary Academy 2.7 3.6 3.2
2017 Summerside Primary School -2.0 2.9 1.0

Our 2019 progress scores put us in the top 20% of schools nationally.

Our 2019 Writing and Maths progress scores put us in the top 5% of schools nationally.

Average scaled score Reading Maths
2023 Summerside Primary Academy* 107 108
2019 Summerside Primary Academy 103 109
2019 National 104 105
2018 Summerside Primary Academy 105 106
2017 Summerside Primary School 102 106
2016 Summerside Primary School 104 104

* 4 children have been removed as they are new to the UK and to English since September 2021

Link to our online results:

Key Stage 1 results

Working at greater depth Reading Writing Maths
2023 Summerside Primary Academy 19% 7% 13%
2023 Early National 19% 8% 16%
2019 Summerside Primary Academy 32% 23% 32%
2019 National 25% 15% 22%
2018 Summerside Primary Academy 26% 14% 25%
2017 Summerside Primary School 16% 12% 17%
2016 Summerside Primary School 15% 0% 11%


Working at expected standard Reading Writing Maths

Reading, writing

and maths combined

2023 Summerside Primary Academy 69% 53% 76% 39%
2023 Early National 68% 60% 71% 56%
2019 Summerside Primary Academy 71% 61% 77% 61%
2019 National 73% 78% 79% 65%
2018 Summerside Primary Academy 72% 67% 80% 66%
2017 Summerside Primary School 71% 59% 72% 65%
2016 Summerside Primary School 59% 43% 60%