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Mathematics Intention Statement


  • Our Mathematics curriculum is stimulating and exciting.
  • Our Mathematics curriculum is broad, balanced and manageable.
  • Our Mathematics curriculum is well sequenced, progressive and memorable so children can reach their full potential.
  • Our Mathematics curriculum involves everyone.
  • Our Mathematics curriculum is nurturing and gives our children tools to be lifelong learners.
  • Our Mathematics curriculum promotes diversity and is inclusive.
  • Extra-curricular activities add value to our curriculum.


Our primary intention is to ensure that all children across our school, regardless of background or ability, develop a real love for Maths. We achieve this in many ways. Through our concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to teaching, we provide pupils with a range of resources, strategies and methods to aid them with their learning. By teaching an investigation-style lesson every two weeks, we cultivate our students’ passion by providing them with opportunities to tackle stimulating problems and investigations- often as part of a group. Celebrating World Maths Day annually further promotes a school-wide passion for Mathematics: we partake in a whole-school tournament and investigation, which allows us to share our love for Maths, in an exciting way, altogether.

Using the National Curriculum and White Rose to support our planning and teaching, we sequence our learning progressively and break down new information into manageable chunks. Children can build on and deepen the knowledge they have learnt in previous years by being provided with valuable learning experiences. As practitioners, we deliver new concepts in mindful ways, where we can address and tackle misconceptions as they arise. A range of skills are fostered within our Maths teaching including confidence, varied fluency, reasoning, problem-solving and critical thinking.

Designed for all learners, Guided Practice is a well-embedded component of our teaching wherein children of all abilities are given the strategies to succeed through teacher-led modelled examples. Children are provided with regular retrieval practice, through our lesson starters, knowledge check-ins and recap lessons, where they can access and deepen their existing knowledge in their long-term memory. As a result, are children are provided with the tools needed to succeed- within a lesson and beyond.

We use adaptive teaching to provide children with the scaffolds/challenge they require, but encourage pupils to choose their level of challenge within a lesson, based on their level of confidence. Having flexible grouping means that our children’s everchanging needs are catered for without putting a label on anybody’s capability. They are encouraged to welcome moments of being stuck and feeling challenged.


As a result of delivering our Maths curriculum, all pupils in Summerside truly love learning Maths and actively look forward to their daily Maths learning. Results of pupil voice show that many of our children claim Maths to be their favourite subject. Through our daily teaching, our children’s confidence grows and flourishes; pupils enjoy challenging themselves and are self-motivated within lessons. Our learners are autonomous and are able to choose their level of challenge appropriately to support and extend their learning.

Pupils make excellent progress, with the sky being their limit. This is evidenced within the children’s Maths books and in our school data. Our 2022 results reflect this: 87% of our Year 6 cohort were working at the Expected Standard, which is well above the national average. As a result of being provided with regular opportunities for retrieval practice, staff have noted improvements in their pupils’ retention of information in Maths.  

As a result of the support White Rose offers our staff, they now feel confident in their planning and delivery of Maths lessons and ably share their subject knowledge with their pupils within lessons. Children are able to articulate and explain, using appropriate mathematical vocabulary, what they are learning.


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