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Read Write Inc. at Summerside

Read Write Inc. is the programme we use to teach children to read at Summerside. Children in Reception and Year 1, as well as some in Year 2, partake in daily RWI lessons. At the heart of Read Write Inc. is the systematic teaching of all the common sounds in the English language (RWI calls these the Speed Sounds). Children are taught to recognise the sounds and to put them together (‘sound blend’ them) into words for reading. This is our third year of using the programme and it has been very successful.

Reading opens the door to learning and our aim is to make every child a reader. Using Read Write, the children learn to read effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into comprehending what they read.

Your child will be put into a small phonics group appropriate to their level. This group may change often as your child progresses and they will often be taught by teachers and staff that are not their class teachers.

When using Read Write Inc to read the children will:

  • learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letter/letter groups using simple picture prompts.
  • learn to read words using Fred Talk.
  • read lively stories featuring words they have learned to sound out.
  • show that they comprehend the stories by answering questions.

When using Read Write Inc to write the children will:

  • learn to write the letters/letter groups which represent  44 sounds.
  • learn to write words by saying the sounds in Fred Talk.
  • write simple sentences.
  • compose stories based on picture strips.
  • compose a range of stories based on writing frames.

Read Write Inc. introduces the simple Speed Sounds (one sound, one grapheme) with Speed Sounds Set 1 and Set 2. Children then learn more ways of writing the same sounds with the complex Speed Sounds Set 3. Children are taught letter names before moving on to Speed Sounds Set 3.

Below is the list of sounds your child should know by around the end of the first term in Year 2.  You can practise them at home with your child.

Speed Sounds Set 1

m - a - s - d - t - i - n - p - g - o - c - k - u - b - f - e - l - h - sh - r  - j - v - y - w - th - z - ch - qu - x - ng – nk

Speed Sounds Set 2

ay – ee – igh – ow – oo – oo – ar – or – air – ir – ou – oy

Speed Sounds Set 3

 a-e – ea – i-e – o-e – u-e – aw – are – ur – er – ow – ai – oa – ew – ire – ear – ure – tious – tion

What can you do to support your child:

Read with your child and to your child every day.

Take them to the library and expose them to a rich variety of quality books.

Tell them stories and help them make up stories.

Practise their Speed Sounds with them and tell them to ‘Fred Talk’ new words that they find hard to read.

There are lots of games and apps that support phonics learning.

Below are some websites that you could use: