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Sports Premium

PE and Sports Premium

Our PE and Sport Premium for 2023-24 is £19380

We will spend our 2023-24 funding on:

  • Part-funding our Learning Mentor (Sports) who runs highly subsidised after school clubs, leads and organises active break and lunchtimes, and enters teams in a wide range of Barnet-wide sports competitions.
  • Employing Sports Coaches to lead highly-subsidised after school clubs in order to widen children's access to sports outside of school.
  • Sports equipment.
  • Subscription to Barnet Sports Partnership who organise many inter school competitions .​

We also employ Sports / Dance Coaches to teach one or two PE lessons each week to most classes in order to give PPA time to teachers, and pay for our Year 4 and Year 5 children to have swimming lessons at our local swimming pool. This is not funded by our Primary Sports Premium allocation.