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Nursery Places Available

We offer part-time and full-time places for 3-year-old children.

Enquire about a place by emailing or by calling 0208 445 1192.


Thank you for considering Summerside as a school for your child. We are a fantastic school and all of our children make excellent progress in all aspects of school life. 

Come and see for yourself during one of our Reception tour dates: 

Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 10.30am

Tuesday 15th October 2024 at 1.30pm

Friday 15th November 2024 at 1.30pm

Tuesday 3rd December 2024 at 10.30am

Thursday 12th December 2024 at 1.30pm 

Wednesday 8th January 2025 at 10.30am

Contact us to book a tour on 0208 445 1192 or email

Admissions Arrangements

We offer all new Reception children a place to start in September, regardless of when their birthday falls. The Reception admissions are handled centrally by Barnet Local Authority and you will need to apply electronically on (usually by mid-January) detailing your school preferences.

Click here to watch an introduction to REAch2 by Cathie Paine, our CEO.

In-year admissions (for children joining Summerside after Reception or during term time) are also dealt with electronically on