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Reading is actively taught throughout our school, regardless of age or stage: learning the skills of reading does not just happen. In reception and year 1, all children engage in the Read Write Inc. program. Whereas in years 2-6, there is an aim to explicitly teach reading five days a week. The reading skills are also practised discretely across the other areas of the broad and balanced curriculum.  

All teaching staff worked collaboratively to create our whole school Reading Strategy, which subsequently led to an embedded understanding of the progression of reading from Nursery to Year 6. Because of this, our staff are able to implement their understanding of the progression of reading from speed sound sessions in EYFS, to Read Write Inc. reading sessions and finally to novel study.  

A love for reading is created at Summerside through a range of theme days and whole school events. World Book Day, Pyjamarama, Roald Dahl day, Reading cafés and the Book Fair are just some of the events we hold at school. Across the school, an online reading resource, Oxford Reading Buddy, is used to give all children in the school the opportunity to access high quality text and be supported in early reading. As well as a virtual library, all children have access to class libraries and a whole school library, which are updated and refreshed with new books on a regular basis. 

Our Reading curriculum is planned so that pupils have a good understanding of concepts, knowledge, skills and vocabulary, that ensures they achieve age related attainment at the end of each Key Stage.

Early reading & Phonics

In EYFS, children are given opportunities to develop their understanding of the world, talking about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. Using the RWI phonics scheme children have daily phonics lessons appropriate to their level and are able to take books home which match the level they are on. 

Reading in KS1 & 2

The novel study approach from Year Two onwards has ensured consistency across school. All children begin by receiving the same offer. However, this is skilfully supplemented by targeted intervention, small group and 1:1 work where appropriate. Because teachers and leaders have all received quality CPD, they are now fully equipped to plan and deliver lessons which ensure our children’s attainment is in line with or exceeds their potential, despite their low starting point. The sense of ownership, through the collaborative development of the Reading Strategy, has led to an understanding of individual accountability with regard to the whole school approach to reading.  

As children progress through the key stages, they continue to practice the 5 main reading skills; retrieval, summarising, inference, language and word work and questioning. The sixth theme is book lover, which allows teachers autonomy to discover new text with their classes as well as share stories and significant literature. The continuity of themes across the school means that all children become fluent in comprehending new text, regardless of the curriculum area, which integrates well into our broad and balanced curriculum. This means children become increasingly confident in understanding language, gain new vocabulary and can practice their reading skills discreetly.