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  • Our EYFS Curriculum is designed holistically with a play-based pedagogy to ensure that all children become Independent, curious, and motivated learners. Who enjoy taking on challenges and in doing so, show high levels of resilience.
  • We believe that focusing on the Prime Areas allows children to develop the learning behaviours that mean they will thrive throughout their education careers and develop a life long love of learning. 
  • We believe that all children have the right to be heard and learn in stimulating indoor and outdoor environment.
  • We believe that learning is at its best when we meet each child at their own developmental stage and move them forward while supporting parents to do the same.
  • We believe that children learn to self-regulate through co-regulation with trusted adults. As well as the opportunities our setting creates for co-operation and collaboration.  
  • We celebrate success and reflect on our progress.
  •  In knowing and caring for each pupil we celebrate the differences which make us special.
  • We also acknowledge that many of our children and their families are increasingly facing challenges which impact upon their wellbeing. Where possible we work together to remove any barriers preventing our children from reaching their potential.


  • We sequence learning so we can build on what we already know.
  • We re-visit learning to consolidate.
  • We Support learning through whole class, small group focus activities and scaffolding children in their play. 
  • To build emotional literacy children are taught to identify and share how they feel.
  • We plan for experiences that in enrich our learning.
  • We plan for language and consolidate within the continuous provision.
  • We use gesture and sign to support the development of key vocabulary.
  • We share stories and rhymes to support language development and a love of stories.
  • We model the characteristics of learning we wish to see including, play, speech and problem solving.
  • Challenges are set on Mathletics, Tapestry and progress is shared regularly with parents.
  • Each child has a Keyworker.


  • Our children our enthusiastic and keen to take on challenges.
  • Our Children can sustain focus for sustained periods of time.
  • Our children our keen to apply learning in the environment.
  • Our Children are empathetic and show concern for others.
  • Our Children are confident to share how they feel.
  • Our Children make rapid progress from below average starting points.
  • Our Children work collaboratively to explore the environment and their learning.
  • Our Children know and remember more.

Early Years Curriculum




Term 1 

Term 2 

Term 3 

Term 4 

Term 5 

Term 6 


People who help us  


Fairy Tales 

At the bottom of the garden (Spring) Dinosaurs 


Animals and where they live  



Key Texts 


Winnie the witch 

Tiger Who Came to Tea 

Whatever Next 



A day in the police station 

Dinosaur Firefighters 

My Daddy the amazing nurse 

Nola the Nurse  

The Jolly Post Man 


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 

Little Red Riding Hood 

Paper Bag princess 


The Hungry Caterpillar 


You Choose 

Non-Fiction Planting/mini beast books 

What the Ladybird Heard 



We’re going on a Bear Hunt 

The very Hungry Catterpillar 

The curious garden 

Don’t throw that away 

Michael Recycle 


10 little pirates 

The Train Journey 

Oi! Get Off Our Train! 

This is the Bear 

Handa’s Suprise  

school for Pirates 

My Granny is a pirate 

The Singing Mermaid 

Text Types 

Mark making  





Mark making 





Mark making 




Mark making, initial sounds, phrases and simple sentences 



Mark making, initial sounds, phrases and simple sentences 


Mark making, initial sounds, phrases and simple sentences 


List writing  

Wanted posters 


Parents in to talk about cultures Person in to talk about Diwali festival 

Visits from Service people 

Trip to the post-box 

Parent Visitors 

Staff visitors 

King, Queen, prince or Princess visitors 



Mud Kitchen 

School Grounds 

Butterflies- Life Cycles 

Farm Visit 

Treasure hunt 

Special events 

and activities 

Settling in 

Autumn time 




Guy Fawkes 

Bonfire Night 



Remembrance day 

Children in Need 

St. George’s Day 

Chinese New Year 

Valentines Day 

Shrove Tuesday 

Mother’s Day 


World Book Day 

Parents in to garden  

Mother’s Day afternoon Tea 



Father’s day 

Reception Transition Visits. 

Progression links to other year groups 

Reception –T1 

Being Me- Y1-4 

Great fire of London – Y1 

Transport – Y2 

Reception- Traditional Tales 

Y1- Kings and Queens 

Y2- People from the past 

Reception – T1 


Living things and Habitats-Y2 


Reception – T3 and T6 

The World – Y1 

Animals –Y1 

Living things and Habitats-Y2 

Active Planet – Y3 

Extreme World – Y5 

Vikings – Y4 




Term 1 

Term 2 

 Term 3 

Term 4 

Term 5 

Term 6 

All about me 

My Family  

Places around the world 






Transitional Topic after Break Oi Cat books etc 


People who help us 


Traditional Tales  

Past and Present 


Being Healthy/Growing and change  

Growing & Change on the farm 


Past and Present 

Summer Holidays 

Key Texts 

Family Books 

Owl Babies 

We’re going on a bear hunt  

Handa’s Surprise 


You Choose 



Stanley Stick 

Whatever Next 

       Man on the Moon 

Aliens in underpants 

How to Catch a Star 


Christmas stories 


Oi Cat, Oi Dog, Oi Platypus etc 



Fire Fighters 




Doctor Dog Supertato 

Vegetables Assemble 

Non-Fiction Books about Service Worker 

What Do People Do All Day 


3 little pigs  

Little Red Riding Hood 

The Gingerbread Man 







Feel the wind 

A stroll through the seasons 


Enormous Turnip 

Jack and the Beanstalk 

A seed in Need 

What if Everybody Did That? 

Jaspers Beanstalk 

The Smartest Giant in Town 


   The Little Red Hen 

Muddle puddle farm 

down on the farm 

A squash and a squeeze 

Life cycle of the chick  

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 


Naughty Bus 

Train Ride 

Looking Inside cars 

Amazing Aeroplanes 

Seaside Poems 

The snail and the whale 

Barry the Fish with Fish Fingers 

Sharing a Shell 

What a Waste 


Text Types 


Drawing people 




Writing captions 

Simple cvc words 




Shopping lists 

Writing simple sentences. 

Simple cvc words 




Shopping lists 

Maps for superheroes 

Writing simple sentences. 

Simple cvc words 


Story boards 

Character profiles 

Speech Bubble Writing 

Letters/Wanted Posters 

Writing simple sentences. 

Simple cvc words 





Writing simple sentences. 

Simple cvc words 


Fact writing 


Persuasive writing 


Key Worker visits 

Parents come in to share food from their culture 

Parents in to talk about cultures Person in to talk about Diwali festival 

   Arts Depot Play      

Dress up as a Super Hero Day- Visit from a real life super hero 

Around the school  

Stick Insects- Life Cycles 

Farm Visit 


Big Sandpit Beach 

Parasols/Ice Lollies/Buckets and Spades. 

Special events 

and activities 

Settling in 

Autumn time 



Guy Fawkes 

Bonfire Night 



Remembrance day 

Children in Need 

Thanks giving 

Chinese New Year 

St. George’s Day 

Chinese New Year 

Burns night 

Valentines Day 


Shrove Tuesday 

Mother’s Day 


World Book Day 

Parents in to garden  

Mother’s Day afternoon Tea 


International Food Day 

Father’s day 

Reception/Year 1 Transition Visits. 

Progression links to other year groups 

Nursery – T4 

Celebrating Difference –Y1 

Being Me- Y1-4 

Food from Around the world- Y4 


Buildings – Y1 

Space – Y5  

Finding home – Y5 


Nursery- T2  

Healthy Me Y1-Y6 


Weather – Y1 

The World – Y1 

Active Planet – Y3 

Extreme World – Y5 

Nursey- T5 

Y1- Animals 

Y1- Seasons 

Living things and Habitats-Y2 

Y6- Animals Including Humans 


The World – Y1 

Holidays – Y1 

Active Planet – Y3 

Land, sea and sky – Y4 

Plastic Planet – Y6 

We assess children's progress and achievements at the end of their Reception year using the  Statutory Foundation Stage Profile for Early Years: 

Communication and Language

A key feature throughout our provision is developing children’s language and vocabulary. We do this through the stories we read, our interactions with children, and our language and communication-rich environment. We provide lots of opportunities to develop children’s familiarity with stories, songs and rhymes throughout, from Nursery to Reception.

Reading and writing

Reading and writing is central to our curriculum. Understanding and enjoyment of books is supported through daily story time and sharing books in all of Early Years. We use ‘core books’ in Nursery and Reception, both fiction and non-fiction to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the world. We immerse the children in high quality books, involves lots of talk and role play, and has been highly successful in raising engagement and attainment in reading and writing. We develop children’s writing through spoken language, their experiences and comprehension of stories.


Phonics teaching is based on ‘letters and sounds’ in nursery, and moves on to ‘Read Write Inc’ in Reception. This is taught systematically with daily sessions, in groups, so that teaching can be targeted at children’s levels.


Maths is taught through concrete, meaningful experiences aimed at developing children’s conceptual understanding. We follow the ‘White Rose Maths Hub’ scheme in Reception.

Expressive Arts and Design
Physical Development

We provide opportunities for children to develop their creative skills, this entails learning
about artists, a nd using tools, equipment and skills to create artefacts and pictures.
The children are always encouraged to develop their gross and fine motor skills through a
broad range of activities and challenges such as digging, climbing and riding a bike.

Outdoor learning

We place a strong emphasis on the importance of outdoor learning throughout our provision. This has many benefits, including contributing to health and wellbeing, and in developing the ‘whole child’. Children are often more confident outside, and outdoor play offers great opportunities for experiencing the natural world, and active learning and exploration, as well as elements of risk and challenge. We have exceptional outdoor learning environments and a system of ‘free-flow’ whereby children can choose to play and learn inside or outside for a large part of the session.

Interactions and the characteristics of effective learning

Much of our teaching is through interactions. Adults observe the children closely, and join in (‘intervene’) sensitively with their play, to extend their language and thinking, and develop their knowledge and skills. We support the ‘Characteristics of effective learning’ (‘playing and exploring’, ‘active learning’ and ‘creating and thinking critically’) developing confident, resilient, independent learners throughout the early years. We encourage good attitudes to learning, like curiosity, concentration and willingness to ‘have a go’, in everything we do.

Parent and School partnership

We actively encourage parents to support the school with your child’s learning. We offer a soft start where parents can play with their children to help settle them in at the beginning of the school day.
Parents are welcomed to curriculum meetings designed to support you with your child’s learning. We have three termly parent consultations to discuss your child ’s

Our online learning journey Tapestry keep s parents updated with their child’s progress.
Parents can also respond and upload their children’s learning from home.

Your child will be given a key worker who wi ll work closely with you and your child alongside all the Early Years team.