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Reading Lessons

Daily Reading Sessions in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

At the beginning of each reading lesson, the teacher leads a whole-class reading strategies session. During this time, we explicitly teach pupils the strategies needed to become a proficient reader.

During the second part of the session, the class teacher works with a different focus group of up to 6 children each day, this is called Guided Reading. Throughout the school, we use banded books that are matched closely to the pupils reading ability, as well as carefully selected real books/extracts for this session. During this session, the children will work on different reading strategies depending on their age and reading ability.  In key stage 2, we use the ‘Reciprocal Reading’ method of guided reading.  Our teachers use carefully planned questions, so that within each session, the pupils are able to practise using range of reading strategies, including clarifying, predicting, summarising and questioning.  Whilst the class teacher is working with the focus group, the other pupils work on set reading activities. The activities include/ story mapping, retelling the story with puppets, answering comprehension questions on ‘First News’ online and reading for pleasure.

Shared Reading Aloud

Our class teachers know that they are reading role-models and regularly read aloud to their class. Sharing a good book will help our children to develop a love of reading as well as help the children to absorb regular language patterns, and broaden their vocabularies.